Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Dillard House!

Mommy, Daddy, and Addie took off to the Dillard House for some yummy breakfast, to look at the beautiful leaves, and to check out the animals! We had a fun time!


This is my very first Clemson Tiger Football Game!!! Goooo TIGERS!

This is a picture of Addie and Daddy having playtime!!! I looovvveee my daddy! This is also a pic of me and my Papa at the Clemson soccer game! I hear I am going to be a future soccer player too! Such large plans for Ms. Addison's future!


I teased Mom and Dad some with little scoot crawls, but on October 7th - I took off!!!! The best part about it was I crawled clear across the room, turned around to make sure people were watching, and then clapped for myself! I am such a ham! Of course, Mommy grabbed the camera and caught me doing it again.

Homecoming queen 2026

This is my "cous" Jessica - Ms. Homecoming queen 2008 with me -Ms. Homecoming queen 2026! Aren't we just lovely! This is also a pic of me eating my very first dill pickle - I am my mommy's child! YUMMMYYY! Finally, this is a picture of me and Ansley - one of my very best friends. We are at Fall for Greenville with our mommies and this strange statue.

Happy Fall !!

Happy Fall!!! We just can't wait till Halloween! I love my pumpkins! They are just my height to pull up on! I even picked out my very own!

Mommy and I playing dress up and picture time!!! It always seems like these people are taking pictures of me!!! I'm just so cute!!! Mommy is so silly putting me on the piano - don't tell Granny!

Addie and her bedhead!!! I am such a happy baby when I wake up - Thank Goodness! And here is a funny pic when Mommy threw all the warm towels around me! I loved it! And this is when I pulled up for the first time - I thought I was something!!! Now - I cant sit still!

Me and Daddy at his football game ! I am his number one fan! Gooooo Red Devils!

Fun times!!!

Here some funny pics of Addie. She looovveess her johnnie jump up! And here is a pic of Addie the Superstar!!! Lots of photos taken of this sweet baby girl. And finally, this is me and Papa riding in the convertible (not really.) Hot stuff :)